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Open Summer of Code


Participation is allowed for Students, Partners and for coaches. It is 4 Week Participation Program in July, That provides Belgium based students the Training, Network and Support necessary to transform Open Innovation Projects into Powerful real-world services.


  • Improve your Skills under supervision of experienced Coaches.
  • You'll be making Real World Service that can be added on your Resume.
  • You can expand your network.
  • The Program is completely free and you'll be paid for your work.

Your Role in OSOC

  • All students will work in teams on different open innovation projects provided by partnering organisations, companies and governments.
  • The goal is to complete these projects by the end of the programme and turn them into real-world products and services.
  • In the end, your team will present the finished product to the partnering organisation and the world.
  • All projects at osoc are being built open source and aim to create real-world impact. Over the last few years, students have got the opportunity to work on open innovation projects in different fields such as mobility, education, health, sports and biodiversity.

How to Apply

  • In order to apply you need to submit a letter of motivation, explaining why you would like to join the movement and what you will bring to the table to make osoc great.
  • Make sure to include your portfolio or some examples of your work as well. Based on your motivation, portfolio and your CV, a group of experienced osoc volunteers will match your unique set of skills and experiences with partner’s desired student profiles.
  • By the End of May, all the selected students and their project assigned will be rolled out.
  • You should be a student eligible to work under a student contract for 16 full days (128 hours).
  • You must study or have experience in front- or back-end development, design (UX, graphic), communication or business modelling.
  • You should be able to express yourself in English.

Location and Criteria

  • If OSOC is remote, then you don't necessarily have to be staying in Belgium to apply for Open Summer of Code, but you have to be allowed to work as a student under the Belgian regulation.
  • Students from an EEA member state or from Switzerland are entitled to work in Belgium throughout the year under the same terms as Belgian students.*Note : Countries in the EEA are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
  • If you are from a country that is not included in the above list then you may work in Belgium if you are registered in education with full curriculum in Belgium and have a valid residence permit

Projects Done

  • Arvesta's Digital Innovation Hackathon

    How to connect the different stakeholders of Arvesta, the largest full-service partner for Belgian farmers and market gardeners? Sharing their knowledge to become more aware, so they can improve their skills and attitudes.
  • BikeInfrastructure

    Build a user-friendly and visually attractive tool to visualize and promote the Open Street Maps data on cycling infrastructure in the province of East-Flanders.
  • Crowdy

    Build a user-friendly web-app "crowdedness meter" to help students meet safely in Ghent hotspots. Our ultimate goal is to offer students the opportunity to reclaim the ownership of their reputation, by demonstrating that it is possible to have a social life while respecting government measures. For students, by students.
  • Safe Crossing

    This project is about determining which crosswalk a pedestrian is about to cross with a mobile phone and optionally hardware devices installed on the intersection. Pedestrians and specially blind people are the target audiance for this project.
  • selection-tool

    Creating a selection tool for recruiters giving them the opportunity to collaborate in real time while having an overview of all the candidates, resulting in diverse, innovative teams for all orgranisations. Giving orgranisations the opportunity to find the best candidates and match them to the preferred team.
  • RoadBase

    Crowd-sourcing information about road marks in linked open data structure to enable (local) governments, companies & citizens to use and reuse this data, build new applications and create new roads to safety.
  • Nature moves

    Build a map visualisation and editing tool to enrich and integrate the Natuurpunt’s nature reserves data into the OSM database, making it both accessible, maintainable, and mobile-friendly.

And Many More..

Official Site : OSOC- Open Summer of Contribution